Pick Up the Phone!

Your customers aren't getting as many cold calls each week as you think they are. Almost 70% of customers report getting only 1-3 prospecting calls each week.

Think about how many hours there are in a week. Most customers are only getting 1-3 prospecting calls FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK. That's hardly anything! Most sales reps, especially new ones, picture the poor customer fielding dozens of calls each day, but it's just not the case.

What does this mean for you? It means you should pick up the phone! It means you won't be pestering as much as you think you are by calling them out of the blue.

You'll start seeing success and getting more meetings, more funnel activity as long as you:

👉 Respect their time. If they say they're stepping into a meeting, let them off the phone IMMEDIATELY.

👉 Combine your calling with a thoughtful strategy that includes multiple avenues including properly timed emails, LinkedIn invites, video messaging, coach introductions, etc

👉 Focus on friendly warm interactions. That's what customers value the most (according to my research).

This is a page directly out of my new book! For more customer insights, please consider checking it out. Link in the comments.

What’s your experience been like? Let me know in the comments!


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