Stop Waiting for Leads from Marketing!

I used to have a wonderful, kind lady come to my house and cook for my family. I had decided that it was the one chore that I didn't enjoy and also I was terrible at it.

It was glorious.

Eventually, she had to move on and by then I had learned some things from her so I didn't replace her, but in that instance, outsourcing totally made sense and was amazing.

One place where outsourcing DOESN'T make sense is prospecting. Customers hate getting a call from one person, and then getting passed to another person. I know this because I've asked customers and they told me.

I also know it because early in my company, I tried doing this. I found dozens and dozens of leads for my customers, and got all excited but then I could hear the interest drain from their voice when I told them they would be hearing from their local sales rep and they wouldn't be meeting with me. The leads I found usually didn't work out, no matter how promising they were at first.

It just doesn't work. It breaks trust and causes frustration right from the beginning of the relationship. This is the OPPOSITE of what you want.

Stop outsourcing prospecting. Find your own leads. Don't wait for marketing or your inside sales rep to pass you leads. It's just a bad business model that doesn't work.

Or do you disagree? Tell me all about it.


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