Stop Asking Me to Check My Calendar!

If customers could talk to you, this is what they would say. STOP ASKING ME TO CHECK MY CALENDAR!!

It's so common for sales reps to send an email and end it with something like this: "Are there are dates or times that might work for you?"

And you know why you never hear back? Think what will happen next. The customer will have to open up their calendar, find a few empty spots, write them down on a piece of paper or toggle back to their email and then wait for your reply and in the meantime, their spot may get booked.

Whew! No wonder they ignore you! That's a lot of work for them.

Make it easy on them.

Just this week I had a customer that wanted to set up a call, but then when I replied back I didn't hear anything. I gave her a day or two and just went ahead and sent a calendar invite.

You know what happened next? She replied back right away and used OUTLOOK to propose a new time. And I accepted! Easy peasy for the customer. That's what we want. Make it as easy on them as possible.

This is just one of the MANY thing I teach during my sales seminars and in my book. Reach out for a quote!


Don't Lead with Your "New Limited-Time Offer"


This is My Favorite Sales Opener!