Sorry - You’ve Got Linkedin ALL WRONG!

I used to post on LinkedIn and was so frustrated that I never got any action. It seemed like nothing was working, no matter how much I posted.

And then I took a class. I spent time researching what RELLY works on LinkedIn, how to get leads and how to expand my network. It turns out I was doing it all wrong, and I bet you might be too.

If you're:

👉 Posting links to anything
👉 Starting posts with, "Proud to partner with..proud to announce..." etc
👉 Re-posting generic content from your marketing department

You're doing it wrong. With LinkedIn, you must be authentic. It's a news feed, people are scrolling so you have to get their attention by telling a story or giving actual value.

I've heard people say consistency is key. That's not true. It's consistently posting things OF VALUE that's important. Posting just for the sake of posting won't get you anywhere.

Tell me what you like to read on LinkedIn! I bet it's not links press releases or new product launches. 😜


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