Keep Picking Up the Phone for Sales Calls!

I've been keeping track, and I get about 15 cold emails per week from people trying to sell me stuff.

That's about 780 emails per year.

Do you know how many phone calls I got last year?


Customers say the same thing. They get WAY fewer calls than they do emails, according to my research. It's kind of like people have forgotten to pick up the phone, or they just don't want to.

When getting new customers, we MUST try a multi-point strategy, where we call, email, connect on LinkedIn, try video messages, etc. Sending email after email just isn't enough.

Never stop picking up the phone. Not after you make your quota. Not after you're tired. Not after you think you have enough customers. Once you stop picking up the phone, your funnel will dry up and die.

Am I right? Share your thoughts with me on sales calls on LinkedIn?


Don’t Mess Up the Subject Line - Especially Sales Emails


Sales Tip: Polite Persistence for the Win!